Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Making Progress

We now have a crib and a changing table. "Kiki's Room" is beginning to look legit. It's weird because we are currently in this middle limbo of being very prepared and also pretty far away from needing any of this stuff. On one hand, I feel better knowing that we are gradually collecting things that we will need when Kiki arrives, but at the same time s/he won't need any of it for another 5 months or so!!

With any luck, in less than 2 weeks I can stop writing s/he and we will have a specific gender, along with a specific name. My ultrasound is on July 9. I have been practicing drinking 32 oz of water and holding it for an hour or more. Yeah, I think that we are just going to have to hope that the Ultrasound tech is very skilled and can get a good picture on MUCH less water than that!!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Kiki's so fun! What's s/he up to lately?