Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Quick Update

Sue and I went to Ann Arbor Thursday for what I THOUGHT would be my last trip there before labor. No such luck. While I did have my last ultrasound, I still will need to go back for an OB appt once more before delivering (assuming Elena doesn't surprise us with an early arrival.)

Nothing too exciting to report. Elena weighed in at 5 lbs, 2 oz, but the Dr also noted that, at this stage in pregnancy, that number could be off by as much as 15%. So really, she could be anywhere between 4 lbs 6 oz to 5 lbs 14 oz. And she still has 1-2 lbs to grow!

Right now Elena is content to be a little rocker and roller. She rarely takes time to sit back and relax, but stays on the go constantly. And she is still as strong as ever. She kicked (pushed, nudged, whatever) so hard yesterday, it cracked my back!!

So we are at 5 weeks and counting, further excited by the birth of Linnea, which is going to happen at any moment (or at least I hope, for Jilly's sake!!)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Thanks to the generosity of family and friends, Elena's room is really coming together. She has a nice clean bed, complete with sheets, to sleep in. She has a soft, comfy changing table to get changed on. She has enough clothes to fill her dresser for the next year, and tons of toys. She will certainly be living the high life!!

I have washed everything and put it away. It wasn't as hard as I anticipated to find space for everything that we received as gifts. It just required me to clean a few areas of the apartment that had been neglected!!

I'll try to get a few pictures of Elena's room up soon so you can all see. These last few weeks in utero are going to be busy ones, so no guarantees!!