Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Best Ever Christmas Gift

In 2007, I received the best Christmas gift of my life.  I brought home a sweet, healthy little girl.  We had worried so much about how healthy she would be, how well she would come though her surgery, how quickly she would recover.  But she was a trooper, she fought hard for such a tiny being, and she came home just in time for Christmas.

Tonight I wrapped her presents for an early visit from Santa.  This is the first year that she has really been "a believer," that she has been excited to go to bed and wake up to gifts under the tree.  While I was wrapping and happily thinking about the happiness she would experience in the morning, I realized that I have documentation of my sweet little Christmas treasure gorwing up through the Christmases (thank you Jackson CDC).

So here is my little ode to my little Christmas bundle who has grown into such a wonderful young lady.  I love you, Kiki!

2008 (age 1)

2009 (age 2)

2010 (age 3)

2011 (age 4, taken on her birthday)

2012 (age 5)

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