Thursday, January 01, 2009

An Appeal

We have canceled our cable. It will save us money, and hopefully help me save brain cells. I'm trying to get away from the habit of watching TV at night, and to start reading more. I used to read all the time and have just gotten away from that over the years.

But I don't know what to read anymore!! What is relevant? Topical? Just plain good? What are my friends/family/peers reading?

So, I have recently signed up for Good Reads ( It is a website that lets you "friend" people, similar to other social networking sites. But here you can see the "bookshelves" of your friends, what they are reading, what they have read, their reviews and comments about books, etc. It's pretty cool.

I invite anyone who is willing to share their literary experience with me to sign up for Good Reads, and friend me. Just search for me by first and last name. There are currently only two of "me", so I shouldn't be too hard to find.

I look forward to reading with you!!

1 comment:

Jessica Knott said...

Anything by Wally Lamb (She's Come Undone, My Brother's Keeper or The Hour I First Believed) or Richard Russo (Empire Falls, Nobody's Fool and tons of others) is amazing. Also, The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri is emotionally wrenching but beautifully written and an amazing story of what it's like to live torn between two cultures.

What genre do you tend to prefer? I'm a HUGE fan of Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion are my favorites), give me a direction and I'll give you a heck of a list. Unless it's romance or chick lit. Then I'll ask my sister-in-law for recommendations. :) Drop me a Facebook message or whatever! :)