Saturday, June 28, 2008

Oh Happy Day...

My birthday. I've said it before, I'll say it again, I love it. I know it's a bit egocentric, but I love the celebration of it. One day a year when I can really stop and say, "Hey, this is the day I was born. I'm sure glad I was. I have a pretty great life and live in a pretty great world. It needs a little work, but I'm ALIVE and can help make it even better!"

This year was even better, because I had one more person to celebrate with (I love you Kiki-boo). Since my birthday fell on a weekday, I was in my usual 5:00am schedule. Get up to make bottles and prep for the start of baby's day before she decides to start it. When I got to the kitchen, on the counter to greet me was a shirt I really wanted and a card from my dearest husband. What a GREAT start to my day!!

When I got to work, there were doughnuts to celebrate my birthday, as well as a co-worker's. Yum!! Later that day, cake and ice cream and a card to celebrate our birthdays AGAIN!!! I was allowed to depart from work a few hours early, which was great because Ray and I planned to take our little family to the baseball game that night.

Kiki was an angel at the game. She slept through much of it. When she woke up, she was happy to watch all the colors around her (it was Red Hat Society day at the stadium). Tons of fun.

Lots of cards to open from the mail that night, and they continued to trickle in for a few days.

Then the crowning event for the birthday. As you may remember from my birthday post last year, there is a birthday club in my office. I know I am perhaps bias here, but I think the team that does the June birthdays is the most creative and imaginative team. This year's theme was baseball. The food was cotton candy, little hot dogs, a baseball cookie, popcorn, pretzels, and root beer floats. The room was decorated with baseball themed decorations, and a package of baseball temporary tattoos circulated the room (I AM an MVP!) Then on the table for the birthday girls, Cracker Jacks and, get this, a real baseball signed by everyone on the birthday team and each of our respective bosses. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

So a big thank you to everyone who made my birthday so special for another year. And thanks, Mom and Dad, for giving me birthdays in the first place!!!!

1 comment:

La Familia Lopez Robinson said...

Happy belated birthday, Sarah!