Sunday, August 13, 2006

Just one of those, weeks

What a week!!! Have you ever had a week where it felt like the universe was testing your breaking point. This has been that week. Things were a bit tense at work this week. I can't really go into detail, but it simply was not the smooth operation I'm used to.

One of our cats also started limping. We gave it a day or two so see if she had simply twisted a kittly ankle or something of that nature, but when it was obivous that nothing was improving, off to the vet we went. Two little punctures is her leg were suspiciously similar to the bite print of our other cat. Several days of antibiocs and one of those crazy neck cone things later, she seems to be on the comeback trail.

I also took my car in for a routine check up, only to find that I was sorely in need of new of brakes. The fronts are fixed and the backs scheduled for repair, so now I'M on the comeback trail.

I don't mean to complain. Just a bit frusterated. But tomorrow starts a new week. It's gonna be a GOOD week. Less than two weeks until the move, so I have plenty to do.

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