Monday, July 06, 2009

Yay! She's Learning Words *grimace*

Kiki's vocabulary is really blossoming these days. She is learning lots of words, some useful that help her ask for things she needs or wants, others are just fun to say. I revel in every new words, each one a little miracle that passes her lips...until I've heard it the 1000th time in about 5 minutes.

Yes, Kiki has a favorite new word, or name I should say. This little story starts with a little application called YouTube and my idea that watching YouTube videos would be a great way to keep Kiki occupied and have a little connection with her extended family.

But then she realized that is was the same people that she was seeing in the videos, and one little cousin in particular. And that cousin has an easy to say name. And say it she does. Here is a brief summary of the first 20 minutes of Kiki's day today.

6:15 am - Mommy goes into Kiki's room "Good morning, Kiki" "Nea? Nea? Nea?"
6:20 am - "Would you like some yogurt?" Points to laptop. "Nea? Nea? Nea?"
6:30 am - "Time to get dressed, Kiki." "Neeeeeeeee-aaaaaaaa!!"
6:35 am - "Would you like to watch Tigger and Pooh, Kiki?" Climbs up on couch and sits in front of laptop. "Nea? Nea? Nea?"

Thanks for the videos, GreggR. You keep us connected and entertained!!

1 comment:

La Familia Lopez Robinson said...

Awe! That's so sweet. I can't wait to see Kiki's reaction when she sees Nea in person at the reunion. Reality and reality TV converge!