We had tried a few months ago to ease Kiki off Paci, but that resulted in long, confrontational evenings and little sleep for everyone involved. But we felt we had to take action, which was supported by comments from both her dentist and doctor.
So we thought to employ the tactic used by my cousin, and told Kiki that it was time for Paci to go, but that Tinkerbell was going to come and leave her a present when she takes Paci.
Now, given Kiki's reaction to the concept of Santa coming to leave presents, I should have known that this was not going to go over well. Kiki didn't seem to be phased by the fact that she would be without Paci, but was EMPHATIC that Tink not come to our house. Not in the house, not on the porch, not near the yard.
So I made special arrangements with our special fairy friend, and on Friday morning Kiki bid a slightly sad farwell to her oldest friend and put a specially marked package in the mail. And when we arrived home that evening, a special package from Tikerbell had arrived in the mail.
Here are a few shots of her playing with her new friend, Stinker, and his house.

And, much to our surprise, all is well. Kiki has stated several times "I'm a big girl. I don't need Paci anymore." I'm not sure if she is saying it to reassure herself or us. There have been a few tearful moments at bedtime, but nothing as bad as we had anticipated.
I love my girl. She is brave and sweet and she really IS a big girl.
1 comment:
Haha that's a little hilarious that she doesn't want Tinkerbell or Santa to come to your house.
Good job, Kiks!!
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