Elena Marie was born on 12/07/07 at 12:47am. 7 lbs 13 oz, 19.5". I went into labor around midnight on the 6th. Went to Ingham Regional for assessment, contractions were 4 minutes apart. A quick ambulance ride to Ann Arbor and 24 hours of labor later, we had a little girl.
Elena went into surgery around 4pm on Friday, came out around 7:30. She ultimately had a small potion of her bowel removed. She is recovering well, came off the vent on Saturday morning. Last night she had some stomach juices backing up out of her nasal tube, but x-rays show no blockage and this morning this seems to have decreased almost completely. She has a bit of a rash on her tum around the surgery site, so she will be put on antibiotics as a precaution against infection.
Our current course of action is to wait for the Drs. to determine that she can start getting small amounts of breastmilk ans she how well she digests. This was supposed to happen today, but because of the stuff backing up, Drs. are being cautious. Let's hope for tomorrow. Once we can see that her bowels are "awake", handling food well, and she poops, this little lady is home.
Quite honestly, we have heard several anticipated lengths for her stay. One nurse said that Elena will probably spend Christmas, but most others sound like it will be slightly sooner. Fingers crossed for sooner!!
Here is a short video of Elena on Saturday night. She has been a very calm baby. They have her on very little sedation right now. She is quite tuckered out and sleeps much of the time, but when she is awake, she is very alert and active.
Thanks for the post and photos! Elena is so cute with her full head of black hair!! She looks like a strong girl. We hope you can bring her home from the hospital soon. Love, Em, Sergio and Marcos
Little Kik-ers is sooo cute! I can't wait to hold her!! :)
Aunt Suzie
It's nice to see Elena in action...Aunt Beth
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