Monday, July 16, 2007


Sunday was our annual family reunion. I love the family reunion and always have. When I was small, once I was out of school for the summer, I would start counting down the days until we could go to Uncle Dick's.

Once there, I knew I could expect to gorge on hot dogs, salads, cheesy potatoes, and, of course, Y's cookies. Then I would play in the lake, in constant fear that the seaweed would touch my feet if I ventured into the deeper water. Then a ride on the boat, the FAST one, not the pontoon!!!

Throughout the day I would enjoy running around with my sisters and cousins, occasionally stopped by an older relative that obviously knew who I was, but I certainly didn't have a clue who they were. By the time mom or dad said it was time to go, I would collapse into the back seat of the car, exhausted, happy (and full, if we stayed long enough for Second Feeding.)

These days, it's more difficult to make it to the family reunion. Work schedules, previous engagements with the in-laws, and distance have all prevented me in the past. But in those years when I can go, I still count down the days, and arrive with my ears pricked for that dinner bell.


Jill said...

2007 B Reunion was the best in many years! It was GREAT to have almost the whole fam there.:)

La Familia Lopez Robinson said...

Here, here! It was great to see you and Ray there and hopefully we'll all be there with our families next year - an amazing thought!