When we got to her classroom shortly before the parade, there was activity everywhere as kids got into their costumes. The room heated up very quickly, so all the kids had some water. Halloween is hard work!
After everyone was ready, the little ones got strapped into the buggy for their big debut, and parents lined the sidewalk in front of the school for the parade. There were some great costumes. Kiki was a bit indifferent to the situation...until she saw Mom and Dad with the cameras. Then she really started hamming.
Once Kiki's buggy reached the end of the line, there was a period of waiting around as the other kids paraded. Kiks got a bit impatient and started crying.
When the parade was over, everyone went back inside. The babies were stripped of their costumes and treated to pizza. Kiki learned the lesson of sharing when she was asked NOT to take pizza from other children (she does love pizza).
After the party, we headed home to get ready to welcome trick-or-treaters. Kiki used the trip as an opportunity to "refresh" herself before the evenings festivities.
Aunt Rae came over for a bit to help prepare for the candy distribution portion of the night. Unfortunately, just about the time Kiki was going to hit the sack, her cousin made Aunt Rae want to do the same, so it was a short visit.
There was one little pack of 4 trick-or-treaters that came right before Kiki went to bed. She just smiled, happy to have more visitors.
All in all, we only got about 20 kids. What a disappointment! We saw tons of kids in the neighborhood, but they all went in the opposite direction of our house!! Not even Ray's super-awesome jack-o-lanterns could attract them to our house.
I think we will need to advertise some good candy in the week before Halloween next year.